Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Gospel Isn't Neutral

The gospel-wielding early church sometimes earned favor with all the people, sometimes provoked rioting. They did nothing differently to receive these different responses. Meaning, they weren't warm and loving sometimes and then loudly picketing idol-makers' shops others. They believed and proclaimed the gospel and loved their neighbors. This wins some and irritates others. Gospel power will polarize.


Roberta said...

How true. When two of my neighbors were struggling I offered to pray with them. One said she wouldn't pray with me but I could pray for her. Another said that she didn't want anything to do with religion. I continue to be friendly but will wait for them to ask me questions if they want to know more. I pray God will draw them to Himself.

Jared said...

Ack. I accidentally rejected nhe's comment. Sorry, nhe. I couldn't figure out how to restore it, but here's the text:

Keller says that with almost every gospel-centered act, the religious moralist and the moral relativist will respond with opposite reactions.

The religious moralist loves absolute truth but isn't always a big fan of mercy........the religious moralist loves mercy but tends to be repulsed by absolute truth........it's not a hard and fast rule obviously, but to your point, the gospel is indeed a scandalon - and that is one of the best compliments we can give it.