#1 Short and sweet, I recommend Compassion International disaster relief for helping those devastated in Haiti.
#2 I nominate Tim Keller for evangelical pope. I knew Redeemer did multi-site, but I didn't know they didn't do video. This is the kind of multi-site philosophy I can get behind. (Not that anybody was waiting on my approval.)
#3 I reviewed proofs for my new Bible study resource -- Abide: Practicing Kingdom Rhythms in a Consumer Culture -- this week, and in the same week talked to several people about the place of the gospel in sanctification and spiritual disciplines, etc., which is pretty much what the book attempts to do: help the reader "get" gospel-driven spiritual formation. So I'm hoping it's a timely study that will help a lot of people.
#4 Do you remember how Narnians described their land before Aslan was on the move? Well, given both the actual and spiritual climate of New England, I think it's a fitting description. In New England, it's always winter, never Christmas.
Who wants to help get the word out that Aslan is on the move?
#5 Mark Driscoll's Confessions of a Reformission Rev was integral in the spiritual formation of some friends and I before we planted Element Church a few years ago. We didn't know what we were doing or how to do it or if it could even be done, and Driscoll's book was an inspiration. That it was written so personally made it seem all the more real. 14 years after planting Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Mark has now posted a blogged reflection, confessing some mistakes or regrets. It's a helpful and humble addendum to Confessions, I think. A must read for church planters, real and wannabe.
#6 Please continue praying for Matt Chandler and Michael Spencer.
#7 I am glad Mark Lauterbach has returned to blogging. A taste of why:
It is quite surprising to think that joy is normal for the believer. It is not an add-on, an optional widget for the desktop of my soul. Joy is in the deeps of the gospel operating system.
Good stuff bro. BTW I am totally going to rip this idea off for my own blog, but I promise to give you full credit and a link.
I also wanted to tell you that I just started "Your Jesus is Too Safe" and I am loving it so far. I also expect to hate it (in a good way) because I am already seeing how the Lord is going to use it to challenge my face off.
I will do a review of it on my blog when I finish.
Peace and Grace to you.
Thanks, brother. I appreciate your kindness.
Why don't we have a triumvirate papacy of reformendom, and get Piper and Mahaney in there as well? It'd be like a model of the trinity--Presby, Baptist, and Charistmatic Reformed like Father, Son, and Spirit......
Or not.
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