Monday, September 14, 2009

The Imagination of the Christian World

Searching through some of the church archives today I came across an old postcard from 1945 written to the pastor here at the time. This is what it said:
125 Negro children arriving in state July 5th for two weeks. They're being entertained in church homes. Some booked to go to your county. If your church too would like to share in this practical, good-will race relations project, write Ritchie Low, Johnson. There is still time to have some come to your parish. R.R. fares paid for. Local homes provide entertainment. Here is a simple practical way to participate in down-to-earth project that has caught the imagination of the Christian world. Children 9-12 years old. Write today to Ritchie Low if interested.

Stanley B. Hyde

This warmed my heart tremendously this morning.

And I really like that phrase "has caught the imagination of the Christian world." I think of all the things that have caught the imagination of the Christian world today, the things that shape and receive our affections, that reside in our hearts, that occupy our thoughts and concerns. And would a wonderful way to put it: imagination captures the idea of potential, of creative possibility, of dwelt-on hopefulness.

What captures the Christian imagination today?
Would that it would be the "entertaining angels" of simple, practical care for those not like us.

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