Thursday, February 5, 2009

Five Things I'm Thankful For

Lots of bad news out there. But Paul says God's will for us is to give thanks always. Here are five things (out of many more) that I'm thankful for at the moment:

1. My family. Of course.

2. The economy may be bad, but I've had more paying work in the last several months than I've had in the last eight years. (This is the main reason I am not updating here as much.) And the work is doing things I was made by God to do: think, study, and write about Jesus.

3. The economy may be bad, but the giving at Element has held steady. Not only that, as other churches are cutting back spending and entire programs, we are still giving away 60% of everything we receive to local and foreign missions and to church planting and support. I love my church.

4. I saw a preliminary design for the cover of my upcoming book this morning, and it is pretty awesome! I'm excited.

5. Best of all! Jesus and the Holy Spirit are both praying for me. That blows my mind. And if everything else was not going so well, this alone would be cause for thanks.

Hope this post finds you well.

What are you thankful for?


Anonymous said...

I am thankful that God has gifted people to think, study and write about Jesus so that I can read about Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my family.

I am thankful for God's grace and mercy.

I am thankful for good friends regardless of the distance between us.

I am thankful for the Bible.

I am thankful for the church I attend.

I am thankful for the priest there.

I am thankful for my job.