Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Color Me Excited

We've got one week left in (re)build, our Habakkuk series, and then next Sunday we start an 8-week series called Coffee Shop Theology that is similar to the "Ask Anything" series Mars Hill Seattle did this year. (Gonna cover stuff like predestination and free will, demons, how to love "unlovable" people, the rapture, etc.)
But what I'm really excited about and already preparing for is the series after that. It's called The Supremacy of Christ: The Gospel According to Paul. We're all pumped about that one already, and it won't start at least until mid July.

What in the future life of your ministry are you excited about right now?


must_decrease said...

We have a lot to be pumped about right now. We just had our first (hate the term) "preview service" last Sunday, to the tune of 21 people. All without any advertising mind you, and are gearing up for preview 2 on Sunday June 1st. When we launch I will be preaching through Colossians and after that probably on the Sermon on the Mount!


Jared said...

Matt, that's awesome!

Brandon said...

We're getting ready to restructure the entire youth ministry. Thompson, Manitoba is a very remote place, and for that reason, there is not much for the youth to do that doesn't involve things such as drug use and teenage pregnancy. So we are hoping to set up our saturday night youth meeting as a coffee shop/hangout kinda place and then have worship and a message in the middle of it. Now, I'm sure I sound like one of those typical youth pastors who says, "If we just give them a 'cool' place to hang out, we'll have all kinds of teenagers show up," and then proceeds to spend half the church's budget on video games and pool tables. We have a couple of goals in doing this:
1)to get the current attendees away from an "inward" focus and onto an "outward" focus...
2)give the kids a place where they can spend time in a safe environment
3)give my wife and i and other leaders a chance to build solid relationships with the kids...

Being that we are in the middle of no where, we also plan to take some camping/canoing trips with some of the youth for a chance to really pour into them.

The issue is that the former leaders who volunteered to lead it have been somewhat hard to deal with. They're very controlling. But i'm excited.