Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tuesday is for the Ha Ha*

From Lark News, natch.

Holy Spirit Neglects to Show Up at Revival
New Hope Church had everything lined up for a successful revival meeting, but when the Holy Spirit neglected to show up it left them with three nights of less-than-blessed worship and evangelism.
"We were counting on the Holy Spirit's presence, but we pressed forward anyway," says the pastor.
In the absence of the Spirit of Peace, the worship leader tried to rouse people with shouts of praise and extended worship jams. He let the band "go long" so young people could discover deeper reservoirs of their personal passion for God.
"I'm pretty sure I got something from God tonight," said one sweating young worshiper after the meeting. She said she would come again the next evening and "work hard to make worship happen."
The pastor says the services will continue as promised because they advertised it in the local paper as a 3-day revival, and "even if the meetings aren't inspired, we can still be people of our word," he says.

This one's so true, it's almost not funny. :-)

* Back to two ha's since it's a new year.


Fred Shope said...

What is sad is that I've been in churches that set their "revivals" at certain times of the year, regardless of whether the Holy Spirit works or not. The meetings are more of an attempt to get people emotionally fired up to toe the party line than an honest waiting for the Spirit.

Milly said...


Anonymous said...

You know, it strikes me that my resolution recently to be more intentional about "practicing the presence of Christ" would be much more difficult to achieve if I had to wait around for Him to show up.......hence the core fundamental flaw of the "pre-scheduled 3 day revival concept".........HELLO - McFLY! - He (the Holy Spirit) showed up inside the tent long before you even set up the chairs!.......I think this is the biggest problem I have with Pentacostal Theology.

Eric Guel said...

Funny. It's Wednesday and I'm still hahaing. ;-)