Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Linky, Linky, Linky, Get Your Adverbs Here

Yeah, I added yesterday to my week-long break. I'm still tired, confused, burdened . . . but God is still good and Jesus is still Lord, so I'm still too blessed to despair of anything but my own dang self.

Here are some quality links to get your already started week sort of started off right . . .

Read Shaun Groves's meditation on "Abba Father" reflectively.

Read Bill's "Hope Does Not Put us to Shame" inspirationally.

Read the Cruciform Life on finding refreshment in the midst of trials contemplatively.

Read my brother's post on the glory of God nepotistically.

Read the news from Willow Creek curiously.

Read the line-up of speakers for the upcoming DWELL conference enviously.

I hope your week goes well.
I finished the Jesus book last week and will be writing my proposal this week, aiming to send the whole kit and kaboodle to my agent over the weekend. If you don't mind praying on behalf of this effort, I'd certainly appreciate it.

Btw, I got an e-mail from Rick Warren a couple of weeks ago. Very short, but apparently he reads and enjoys the blog. Made my week.
If you're reading this, Rick, I apologize for riffing on your trademark with my blog title, but I'd be willing to change it in exchange for an endorsement on my book. :-)



dle said...


I'm not surprised Randy Frazee is leaving Willow Creek. I was shocked when he accepted a position there. Most of Frazee's ministry philosophy is at right angles to Willow's and I could not understand how he would fit (even though Willow's publishing arm published Frazee's books.)

But to see the staff imploding--man, I just hate when churches do that. It's so, well...business-like. I've been a part of two large churches that turned their staffs over in about a year and neither church recovered. When we do stuff like that, it's not with an eye to what's best for God's people, but what's best for us as individuals. And that's just wrong.

Jimmy D. said...

Jared, thanks for the link to my post about finding refreshment in hard places. I find your blog refreshing.