Monday, January 14, 2008

Links Between This Blog and Other Blogs, Studies Show

What a weird weekend. For me, it was an experience that was half physical relaxation, half spiritual anguish.
Don't you hate it when you have to make some really big decisions and God won't tell you the future? The big meanie.

Last night was my first night back at Element since before the holidays. Came out swinging with the first part in a new series, "Invasion: A People, A City, A Movement." The response was encouraging.
The best part of the night for me, though, was our worship leader, Josh, leading us in "How Great Thou Art" before the message. It was so awesome to see a room full of young people standing and singing loudly an "old" song that unambiguously exalts God. I got choked up a little. I know we aren't supposed to trust our emotions and emotions are girly and all that, but I believe emotions are good and God gave them to us, and I don't mind admitting it just felt like heaven.
Our "regular" time of worship in music came after the message, and we were shepherded by Josh well then, too.

Here are some quality links to get your week started off right . . .

The Thinklings blog is new! (Whether it's improved or not is in the eye of the beholder.)

Sam Rainer covers three myths about 18-22 year old church dropouts. (HT: MMI)
Interesting stuff for those interested in ministry to this demographic that is slipping through the church's cracks at a rate of 70%.

Milton Stanley harshes vibes everywhere by suggesting second thoughts on "open doors" being God's will.
Frankly, I'd settle for seeing a door these days. I can pry it open myself.

The Ancient Mariner ponders blogging as a spiritual discipline.

A four-start blog read: Confessions of a Missional Pastor by David Fitch
(HT: Reformissionary)

For you theology nerds, Trevin Wax has an index of up of his posts on the New Perspective.

So as I noted previously, I finished the book revision Friday. Will be working on one last quick proofread and the whipping up of a synopsis, and after I hear back from my trusted reader-reviewers, I'll be sending the whole kit and caboodle off to my agent. Prayers appreciated.
In the meantime, I'm still looking for work.

Happy surfing!


Milton Stanley said...

Thanks for the kind words, Jared, and I'm glad to hear you've finished the manuscript. Peace.

Rob Harrison said...

Dittos on that. And if you get the time to take on the question I posed, I'd be very interested to hear your answer.