This list is sort of what I'd come up with if someone asked me to make a required "Men, Women, and Marriage" reading list.
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas*

For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men by Shaunti Feldahn
For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women by Shaunti Feldahn and Jeff Feldahn

Point Man: How a Man Can Lead His Family by Steve Farrar
Love and Respect by Emmerson Eggerichs

Sex and the Supremacy of Christ edited by John Piper and Justin Taylor

And then I might throw in As For Me and My House by Walter Wangerin, The Act of Marriage by Tim LaHaye, Sex Begins in the Kitchen by Kevin Leman, and a very qualified recommendation for His Needs, Her Needs by Willard Harley.
* This is the absolute best marriage box I've read (and I've read quite a few). Generally speaking, Gary Thomas is one of Christian publishing's best kept secrets. It's a shame how unfamiliar Christian readers are with his writings. If you like the Christian Living genre but are burned out on the crap that passes for it, reading Thomas is very, very necessary.
I would add Intimate Allies, by Allander and Longman
Love That Lasts by Gary and Betsy Ricucci
Ah, thanks for the rec's!
I've also heard good things about a book called "When Sinners Say 'I Do'," but I haven't read that one either.
Jared - Have you read Gary Smalley's "If He Only Knew"? It was years ago, and it was a huge help to me. Not sure if I'd feel the same way today. I wonder if "For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women" is similar. I've recommended Smalley's book to several men over the years.
I was pleasantly surprised at the recommendation for His Needs, Her Needs and I'd second that, along with the qualifications. The best way to use that book, is together with you spouse in the very good Dynamic Marriage course from Family Dynamics based on the book. They do a good job at identifying the book's pitfalls and talking around them.
you should really like "When Sinners Say 'I Do'". It is about unpacking the gospel in the context of marriage. Not a long book, but one that really hits you where you live in a good way.
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