Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Reformation Day

Using the Five Solas to highlight the gospel, I gave my first ever Reformation Day message at Element last Sunday. You can listen to it here.
I haven't listened to it since delivering it, so I may get embarrassed later and remove it. :-)

The service was really a blessing. The expectant vibe began during worship rehearsals and lasted throughout the service. I felt a little bogged down when straying into "history lesson" territory, but every time I get to talk about the sufficiency of Christ and the great grace of God, I experience an exhilaration I can't explain. That's not to say I'm super spiritual, but only to say that my suspicion is that the Spirit empowers the undiluted message of the gospel. At least, that's how I feel.

The message came first and was our "call." The music came second and was our "response." Our band was incredible. Their set included:
A Mighty Fortress is Our God (Martin Luther, natch)
Revolutionary Love (David Crowder)
Come Thou Fount
Mighty To Save (Hillsong)

I may be simple, but nothing inspires me more these days than to ponder and then proclaim the glory of God in the love and atoning work of Jesus. We are a people starved for the glory of God, aren't we?

Here is my piece on the history of today from BCC is Broken last year.


Anonymous said...

"We are a people starved for the glory of God, aren't we?"

Yes, yes, yes.

Anonymous said...

Great message, brother. I listened to the entire thing -- wonderful.


Jared said...

Wow, Nick. Thanks. :-)